General Dentistry
General dentistry procedures are commonly performed to address issues detected in the early stages.
This is why it’s so important to attend regular dental check-ups, as general dentistry treatments will prevent issues from escalating into more serious problems and diseases, where extensive treatment is the only option remaining. Common general dental concerns include early signs of tooth decay, damaged tooth fillings, loose or chipped teeth and gum disease. Possible treatment options include fillings, custom-fitted mouthguards, root canals and tooth extraction.
Your oral health is our top priority.
There are many reasons why you would need to see a general dentist. Although the role and scope of responsibilities of a general dentist has expanded in recent times, what hasn’t changed is the primary goal of providing optimum dental care using safe and proven treatment methods.
One vitally important facet of our so-called general services is the prevention of tooth decay and gum disease. These two dental problems also happen to be the most widespread amongst children and adults alike. That is why we adopt a pro-active preventative programme that takes into consideration all the aspects of oral care: daily at-home cleaning regimes; regular in-clinic checks and cleans; oral hygiene education; as well as nutritional and dietary habits.
If more than six months have passed since your last dental assessment, look after your smile by contacting our friendly team to schedule an appointment today.